I am:
Kurt Vonnegut
For years, this unique creator of absurd and haunting tales denied that he had anything to do with science fiction.

Which science fiction writer are you?

- dave 1-28-2007 4:29 pm

I am:
Ursula K. LeGuin
Perhaps the most admired writing talent in the science fiction field.

Which science fiction writer are you?

- jimlouis 1-28-2007 5:13 pm

I am:
Gregory Benford
A master literary stylist who is also a working scientist.

Which science fiction writer are you?

I have in fact enjoyed several of his books!

Timescape is especially good.

It says Benford took the test and it told him he was Arthur C. Clarke.
- tom moody 1-28-2007 9:42 pm

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