misty watercolored memories

- dave 1-31-2007 8:05 pm

Yankee Stadium to host All-Star Game in park's final year.
- alex 1-31-2007 8:19 pm

and yet no love for a departing shea. they need to bring back the corrugated blue and orange iron rectangles before they tear it down.


- dave 1-31-2007 8:54 pm

Wait, they're tearing down Shea?
- jim 1-31-2007 10:22 pm

well, i assume they are. the mets will be moving across the parking lot in 2009. does citifield ring any bells?
- dave 1-31-2007 10:26 pm

- tom moody 1-31-2007 10:32 pm

- dave 2-09-2007 3:58 pm

Not that I want them to build a new stadium, but that looks pretty good to me. Way better than Shea.
- jim 2-09-2007 4:29 pm

wheres the basket ball thread?

- bill 2-23-2007 4:28 pm

That's a Star Trek thread you geek, but since you're here maybe you'd like to meet my friend Doris...
- alex 2-24-2007 4:43 am

future hall of famer manny ramirez peddles his unused grill on ebay. youd think a guy that makes $15mil might just give it away. but then he wouldnt be manny being manny.
- dave 3-21-2007 1:23 am

"Endy Chavez's sensational catch from last season’s NLCS Game 7 will be honored at Shea Stadium on July 13 in the form of a Bobblehead Doll sponsored by AIG."

ive also seen it rendered on canvas, not well, but "immortalized" nonetheless.
- dave 4-03-2007 6:41 pm

Beltran's throw home in the opener was not quite so spectacular, but it's rare to see the play executed so perfectly.
- alex 4-03-2007 7:27 pm

yes, generally speaking the mets looked sharp, particularly on defense, which is a good thing to see since they performed rather shabbily this spring by all accounts.
- dave 4-03-2007 7:37 pm

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