lord of the flues
found a sure fire way to avoid having a conversation with my elderly landlord if hes out patrolling the stoop. tell him i have the flu. he stopped short and literally backed away without another word. now thats power.

- dave 3-14-2007 9:52 pm

Milhouse: You've changed man, it used to be about the mucus.

thought i was on the mend but it seems like the flu is morphing into an upper respiratory infection. that takes me back. and tonight no sign of sleep. at least i dont have a headache (plenty of the dreaded body aches though), just a constant nasal drip and a mountain of used tissue.

and speaking of taken aback, no wonder my landlord responded to me as if i were the grim reaper.

"For people over 65, flu and pneumonia are the fifth leading cause of death."
- dave 3-15-2007 11:02 am

To really freak him, tell him you have the grippe.
- mark 3-15-2007 9:49 pm

is that yiddish, otherwise ill bet its lost on him. could be wrong. maybe that was common parlance in his day.
- dave 3-15-2007 11:24 pm

Or the ague.
- tom moody 3-15-2007 11:30 pm

French (J'ai la grippe - I have the flu.).

But it's a word used by some geezers.
- mark 3-16-2007 12:47 am

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