im king of the world!
chomsky dialogue on self-deception

- dave 5-05-2007 4:34 am

One can only hope the Piraha language debate will settle the pompous Chomsky's Universal Grammar hash once & for all. For a guy who insists that meaning does not inhere in words he sure uses alot of them; and what would he do without satan Dick Cheney. Fundamentalist Ivy league hypocrite lecteur; rest assured he'll pull his punches before the splatter ever taints his blessed Institute. Trivers, whatever, frustrated metonymist; at least he teaches in New Jersey. By the way, yogis don't dream. I'll be in Iquitos all July with the family if anyone wants to avoid me.
- Espiritu de Anaconda (guest) 5-05-2007 6:01 am

my subconscious is smarter and more paranoid than i am. it also came up with a more terrifying end to the sopranos. but it was the coda to that dream which got me out of bed. turns out the muffin man was a damn sight more psychotic than the nursery rhyme would lead you to believe.
- dave 6-11-2007 11:31 am

to top things off i thought i heard some noises out in the hall. turns out there was a mouse trapped in my bathtub. doesnt seem like a good omen. at least when the man (me) came to threaten his wellbeing he summoned enough guile and fortitude to escape his own poorly considered route.
- dave 6-11-2007 12:28 pm

pirahã sans vitriol
- dave 6-12-2007 7:49 pm

Only skimmed--it would be funny if the tribe is "Mead"-ing that guy.
- tom moody 6-12-2007 7:53 pm

The Inuit don't actually have 100 words for snow.
- tom moody 6-12-2007 7:54 pm

dont know if funny is how id describe it although i thought it was funny that a mission to christianize them ultimately dechristianized him.
- dave 6-12-2007 7:57 pm

pinker responds.
- dave 6-14-2007 8:19 pm

- mark 6-14-2007 11:25 pm

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