barong place, barong time
i inadvertently found myself this evening at a planning session for a bachelor weekend id already begged out of attending. however i was particularly tickled while the relative merits of place price and prostitutes were bandied about to needle one loudmouthed participant who was time was constrained for this future baccanal by a previous engagement, that being tickets to attend a concert with his wife to see james taylor. nothing says debauch like sweet baby james.

and i wish i could do justice to the scene of taking measurements for the barongs which are the traditional filipino shirts worn at weddings and are custom fit for all. a standard tape measure wasnt precise enough for my precision minded bridegroom at these proceedings. no, what was required were two swords, one a novelty sword which collapsed in upon itself, the other wooden. however, no level was used to ensure they were not askew when placed at waist and shoulder level (although i did ruefully suggest a plumline) so the entire exercise was less than futile but not all that much less. noone was injured during this swashbucking affair but a $135 shirt was torn by a dull mind wielding a dull blade. seems the seams of said collapsible blade were sharper than the edge enough so to produce a cottonary lesion one not soon to heal. fortunately i was neither wielder nor wielded, and so this story like so many others ends happily.

- dave 5-22-2008 8:15 am

went to the coed portion of the bridal shower picnic/bachelorette party in prospect park thats associated with the above wedding. turns out theres alot more people in new york than live in my apartment.

so, bizarre to see a formal jewish wedding performed up on a hill, chuppah and all (although the choice of the turtles 'happy together' in lieu of the wedding march was perhaps a nod to unconventionality), while all around bar-b-ques charred the remains of the unclean.

this was not the event i was attending although i did my level best to convince the future bride that wed all be better off here for the blessed event, than trudging up to maine, and by "all" i meant me. im sure i was tactful in my request, something akin to "cant we just get this over with" or some such nicety. ive actually found brides, or at least the ones ive known suprisingly receptive to this notion as the joyous prospect of a wedding is often besmirched, as time goes by, by the interminable process of constituting said affair. i believe our nation despite the multitude of disagreements among regional concerns came together with far less fuss and furor than your average 250 guest buffet-only gala. (jefferson throughout history is given considerable credit for his understanding of the vicissitudes of the human condition and its relation to political discourse but rarely do his flower arrangements garner near the plaudits they deserve. george washington may be the father of our country but jefferson will always be thought of, by me, and perhaps sally hemmings, as the father of american floristry. judge for yourself which is the more impressive accomplishment. im pretty sure he invented secretarys day too.)

i think thats some sort of digression although you might need a point to begin with for it to officially be considered a digresssion. but if youd like to pick up the thread ill note that,

our offerings were unburnt, as it was a potluck organic vegan(ish) wedding celebration, otherwise known as a shower. my contribution was the (ish) as i forgot that carrot cake was not made solely of carrots. the bride-to-be is at best veganish herself so all was forgiven, and lustily consumed. take that, melon balls! actually, i did seek out a vegan dessert at the bakery on st. marks but they wanted $50 for some tofu chocolate cake and i did scoff. venieros set me straight. in fact i got two cakes for $30, one carrot and one cheesecake, before i remembered that neither were decidedly vegan. thinking that carrot was the less egregious offense, i brought that to the picnic and stowed the cheesecake in the freezer until moments ago when it began its weeklong colonary seminar. and just in case you were wondering (psst, wake up, hes almost finished!), frozen cheesecake, like membership, has its advantages.
- dave 6-08-2008 2:09 am

So, are there any melon balls left?
- jimlouis 6-08-2008 12:54 pm

why, you hungry?
- dave 6-08-2008 7:00 pm

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