placid reflux
god damn it. i braved through my nausea, flop sweat and the confluence of beautiful people congealing at the whole foods at the afterwork rush only to have my quart of cucumber soup come undone in the brown paper bag as i hurried to unload my bounty into the fridge. i considered the possibility of eating it from the bottom of the bag as it leaked onto my leg and down to the floor but instead stuffed it into the garbage can still reeking from the last rancid gathering of the unconsumed.

on the bright side, seemed like a lovely day from what i could glean from my furtive glances at the eloi polloi.

- dave 8-04-2008 11:42 pm

your furtive glances saw right, at least from this direction. west chop misses you.
- jim 8-05-2008 3:49 am

im sure my googling talents are the stuff of legend there already. say hi to martha for me.
- dave 8-05-2008 4:01 am

cucumber: good for the skin.
- b. 8-11-2008 2:04 am

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