beds too big without you
dear duvet cover,

i hate that its come to this but i think we can no longer see each other. i put up with your poofy ruff cuz, frankly, my friends said you were great in bed. and while it sounds sexy that your buttons are constantly coming undone , in truth, well, it just makes you seem cheap. now, i know im no picnic when the lights go down what with the tossing and turning and night terrors to say nothing of the scratching and the bleeding (you are tender nursing my wounds), but between you, me and the comforter i think its time we parted ways. ill always cherish the first few moments we have together every night as i meet your cool embrace but i cant stand seeing you every morning balled up on the floor all wrinkled and begging for a fix. it just cant go on, and neither can you. call me if you ever get youself zipped up.

your snuggly bare,


- dave 8-22-2009 10:21 pm

Clearly it's for the best but this will be tough for the rest of us.
- steve 8-23-2009 3:53 am

aww, come on. you always said you liked my old quilt better. she was a little threadbare but she had a lot of character right down to the fabric of her weave.
- dave 8-23-2009 4:18 am

Okay, no one ever told you this but I think you should know that we never did like her weft.
- steve 8-23-2009 7:39 am

At least you didn't break up with twitter. A full blog post is more fitting.
- mark 8-23-2009 8:11 am

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