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read a book last week. little trashy but you gotta start somewhere.

- dave 6-24-2008 3:20 am [link] [add a comment]

smoke stack

Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization
by Nicholson Baker

- dave 6-24-2008 3:17 am [link] [add a comment]

stalking, pray.

“Hit it there,” Tiger said, and he pointed toward the fairway. They asked him again, and Woods again refused. After a few more requests, he did step into the bunker for a photo, but even then he refused to have a golf club in his his hand, and he refused to hit a golf ball out of the bunker. He said he would not hit one out during practice either.

Why not? Because, he said, he had absolutely no intention of being in that bunker. Ever.

“Why bring negativity into your thoughts?” he asked, and nobody had a good answer for that one.

- dave 6-17-2008 6:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

equal time

- dave 6-12-2008 12:11 am [link] [add a comment]


think i just reached the apotheosis or nadir of bachelorhood (so hard to say which is which) as i inhaled a tranche of seedless watermelon over the tub in an unlit bathroom as the juice ran down my chins and on to my increasingly porcine form. that i was bathed in sweat and attired in boxers and flip-flops only reinforces the image. and the cherry on top, i was mindlessly humming "i am the very model of a modern major general..." which if true does not speak well of our men in uniform.

- dave 6-10-2008 9:57 pm [link] [add a comment]


i bought a book! thought that was worth noting. now i just have to read it. and who better to review a damning appraisal of the flowering of the era of Intolerance and Divisiveness for the standard bearer of the liberal press than george f. will. congratulations, ny times. there isnt a box you cant think your way outside of.

- dave 6-05-2008 11:14 pm [link] [1 comment]

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