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uncle bill's tv jamboree

totally relatable, the podcast part at least.

- dave 6-10-2024 10:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

monuments of Patterson 

- bill 5-25-2024 5:26 pm [link] [add a comment]

after successfully wiping the mr and mrs smith slate clean i am eager, no whats the opposite of eager, unenthusiastically considering which other shows i should tidy up. on the list of started but havent finished though still in the mix

pen15, mrs davis, beef and probably a few paint by numbers british detective shows. still unstarted fargo season 5 and ripley are the only ones that immediately come to mind. offhand can recall a few apple+ shows im not anxious to revisit.


heres one for bill.


- dave 5-24-2024 6:33 pm [link] [2 comments]

a couple eidsodes in and Sugar is coming off corny and cliche. Why don't the critics agree? 

- bill 5-24-2024 8:00 am [link] [3 comments]

finally swung back around to finish up mr and mrs smith on amazon. kind of well paired with last nights the fall guy except with 8 hours they were able to flesh out the relationship more. as much as i love emily blunt it really was goslings "journey" and that journey was mostly in the service of the action while this was always about the marriage first and foremost with both characters given equal weight while the spy hijinks were just window dressing.

anyway, only had two episodes left today after months away, and think they stuck the landing. will look now to see if a second season is to be expected or if they are happy with where they left it.

- dave 5-23-2024 9:11 pm [link] [2 comments]

Choice was between unfrosted and girls 5 eva and went with the latter

- bill 5-03-2024 9:52 pm [link] [2 comments]

seemingly it was mentioned elsewhere, but enjoying Franklin on a binge. I'm starting 4 now. 

- bill 4-24-2024 9:13 pm [link] [9 comments]

docu-cultist alert 

- dave 4-23-2024 4:27 pm [link] [add a comment]

robert downey jr hits the small screen sunday on hbo.

- dave 4-12-2024 5:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

liked fallout on amazon. binged it over two days. more post-apocalyptic fun from the less nolan, jonathan who also helmed westworld. this time its a little less self serious and maybe drags at times but im on board. never even heard of the video game its based on. i am not in that loop so just a story to me. ill save mike some time 97 on rotten tomatoes though only 86 for users. probably closer to the users. metacritic has it at 73, id probably split the difference and give it a solid 79. no horserace journalism for me. im just here to discuss the thematic intent and the craft services budget.

- dave 4-12-2024 1:43 pm [link] [1 comment]

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