early live action dr seuss musical on tcm now. 5000 somethings of something something, if my memory serves me........

- dave 3-24-2006 4:07 am

5000 Fingers of Dr. T. It's awesome.
- tom moody 3-24-2006 4:32 am [add a comment]

A staple of the midnight movie circuit in the 70s.
- tom moody 3-24-2006 4:39 am [add a comment]

quite a career for the villian, hans conreid. among his credits are: the voices of snidely whiplash, captain hook and the grinch. and, if that werent enough, he did a number of stints on match game though ive yet to see him.
- dave 3-24-2006 5:57 pm [add a comment]

I remember him from my childhood as the host of Fractured Flickers, which I had mixed up in my memory with Fractured Fairy Tales in the Bullwinkle and Rocky show. Not the same thing--I guess there was a lot of fracturing going on in the early 60s.

Did you watch Dr. T? The words to "Do Me Do Day" never cease to amaze me.
- tom moody 3-24-2006 6:30 pm [add a comment]

Oh, same author on the "Fractureds"--Jay Ward.
- tom moody 3-24-2006 6:37 pm [add a comment]

i was going to say that the other voices on your fractureds were the voices of rocky and bullwinkle. but i almost put an aside on my original post to mention edward everett horton who does the voice-over for fractured fairy tales. he was another great comedic character actor with a long career. his career spans from fred astaire fop to f-troop folly.
- dave 3-24-2006 7:04 pm [add a comment]

whoops. i did "watch" the movie but i wasnt technically listening. i had both tvs tuned to it but the sound was only on in the other room. and i probably was listening to music while i was surfing as i "watched." so if that qualifies, than "yes" i saw it.
- dave 3-24-2006 7:10 pm [add a comment]

Well, it's visually striking, but if you Tivo'd it (or for when TCM repeats it) the dialogue and song lyrics are also choice. "Do Me Do Day" is catalog of fancy clothes Conried likes to wear but weird food and animal references keep creeping in. The movie's weirdly homoerotic--all boy pianists, the sweaty men in the dungeon, that song in particular is high camp--but I've never seen any crit on that aspect of it.
- tom moody 3-24-2006 7:55 pm [add a comment]

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