The head of Cartoon Network resigned today over the marketing stunt that caused a terrorism freak-out in Boston last week. Jim Samples sent a memo to staffers today about his resignation, saying, "It's my hope that my decision allows us to put this chapter behind us and get back to our mission of delivering unrivaled animated entertainment for consumers of all ages."

- dave 2-10-2007 2:49 pm

I think Boston should have resigned it's city status instead. How lame.
- jim 2-10-2007 6:32 pm [add a comment]

Have you been watching Studio 60? It's one of the few TV shows that takes on the topic of how dependent the entertainment conglomerates are on favorable treatment by the government. I think that's why this guy was axed. He made not just Boston, but the Feds look like idiots. (Which isn't necessarily very hard to do.)
- mark 2-11-2007 9:27 am [add a comment]

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