despite a recent hiatus 30 Rock is renewed for second season. pretty funny as sitcoms go these days. alec baldwin is quite good in it.

and someone better put bill on suicide watch as his tuesday nights just got bleaker.

and for the ab-faber in you, some new shows on the beeb.

- dave 4-05-2007 2:57 am

Please get Lorelai and Luke back together, show Lorelai letting Rory go off into the career world, resolve the relationship with Lorelai and her parents, and end the show. It just feels to me like anything beyond this is going to be some bizarre attempt to pretend Seasons 6 and 7 didn’t happen, not logical, coherent storytelling anymore.
- bill 4-05-2007 4:59 am [add a comment]

la la la la...did you say something?

Now that it's become so transparent why one show got picked up but not the other, it's barely worth mentioning that NBC Universal 2.0 owns "30 Rock" but not "Studio 60" -- that's owned by Warner Bros.

studio 60 was flawed but watchable unlike 99% of the dreck in primetime.
- dave 4-06-2007 3:13 am [add a comment]

"Studio 60" is, in fact, gone from NBC's lineup for the rest of the TV season, and its time slot will become home to a reality series featuring engaged couples who are convinced their exchange of wedding vows will prove utterly tedious to their nearest and dearest unless improv actors are brought in to wreak havoc on the proceedings and the whole thing is replayed for the handful of Americans not yet addicted to CBS's body-parts-in-Miami drama on Mondays at 10 p.m.

Fucking knobs.
- mark 4-06-2007 6:21 am [add a comment]

youd think theyd have more respect for the creators considering the west wing was one of their signature shows of the past decade. and it wasnt even a "what have you done for me lately" issue as the ratings were decent. just bottom line nonsense. fucking knobs sounds about right.

"ge: we like money more than we like you."
"ge: if only there was another war!!"
- dave 4-06-2007 6:38 am [add a comment]

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