Her abrupt and public exit from “Gilmore Girls” in the spring of 2006 over a contract dispute could have left her stigmatized as unmanageable, but her abilities proved too much of a draw. Weeks after her departure was announced, she was working on “Jezebel James,” which Fox has scheduled for a March 14 debut.

For Ms. Sherman-Palladino, the show represents more than the opportunity to put the contentious history of “Gilmore Girls” behind her, to prove that she was right to butt heads, bruise egos and burn bridges to gain the creative latitude she required. Now that she has sold Fox on herself and her methodology, she can demonstrate that she still makes the kind of emotionally engaging television that is worth fighting over.

As Ms. Sherman-Palladino put it, “I don’t want to sit there and go, ‘Ucch, if I had just gone with my instinct, if I had just cast this person, or fought them on this.’ You don’t want to fail not having really put up a fight.”

These sides of Ms. Sherman-Palladino were already in evidence in 1999 when she began developing the series that became “Gilmore Girls.” At the time she was an Emmy Award-nominated former writer from “Roseanne” — one who had both struggled and thrived under that show’s notoriously temperamental star — with an idea for a series about the kinship between a young mother and her precocious teenage daughter.

- bill 3-02-2008 4:57 pm


- bill 3-02-2008 5:17 pm [add a comment]

i saw a promo for this which didnt enthuse me. looks like a traditional sitcom format. snooze. nice cast though - parker posey and the redheaded chick from six feet under.
- dave 3-11-2008 12:56 am [add a comment]

this review matches my impression from the promo.
- dave 3-17-2008 4:23 am [add a comment]

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