hillary is on the daily show tonight.
- dave 3-04-2008 7:00 am

she looked tired.

since stewart's "remotes" are done in studio, he's not practiced in dealing with satellite delay. it showed.
- mark 3-05-2008 1:03 am [add a comment]

she did look tired. and the camerawork/lighting was not particularly flattering. its too bad he and colbert couldnt host a debate. so unfortunate that they lack the gravitas of the likes of chris matthews and timmeh.

on an unrelated note i saw a minute of carville and that witch he calls a wife on timmeh this weekend. she must have just left the hospital after her latest bout of plastic surgery because her features were all stretched out into joan rivers territory. the pair of them make my skin crawl and i was thinking theyd be impossible to watch on hdtv.
- dave 3-05-2008 1:48 am [add a comment]

I saw bits of that Meet the Timmeh as well. As scary a couple as there is on the teevee.

I agree about the videography of the Clinton interview. I'm not sure who they had handling production on that end (Comedy Central people or Clinton people), but it was lacking.
- mark 3-05-2008 2:06 am [add a comment]

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