spaced minimarathon on bbcamerica 3-6pm. funny stuff from the creator of shaun of the dead and hot fuzz.

- dave 7-20-2008 8:09 pm

they chopped off the last 40 seconds of the first episode and then ran a promo for a show about small breasts instead. you stay classy, tv executives!
- dave 7-20-2008 8:40 pm [add a comment]

they butchered a number of the episodes. they probably cut 3 minutes from one which ran 25 plus minutes normally to the point where some jokes no longer made sense.
- dave 7-21-2008 9:02 pm [add a comment]

If you aren't familiar with Spaced, I feel for you, I really do. Spaced is the ultimate geek pleasure, a series so laden with pop culture riffs, comic book allusions, quirky characters, in jokes, and filmic homages that, unless you are a veteran member of the geek kingdom (all rise who are), it might be hard to follow the gags without a guidebook.
- dave 7-22-2008 10:38 pm [add a comment]

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