if only i had something handy and absorbent to clean up this blood.

- dave 3-27-2009 10:39 pm

I read somewhere that he used to be in Scientology and had a huge fight with them when he left. And maybe something about him writing a script about Scientology that they didn't like. That gives me a vaguely positive feeling for him.
- jim 3-27-2009 10:58 pm [add a comment]

How can he not have a Wikipedia page???? Wikipedia should know all! This is an outrage (yet not so outrageous that I would sign up and do anything to correct the injustice.)
- jim 3-27-2009 10:59 pm [add a comment]

let me squelch that vaguely positive feeling and question your wikabilities.
- dave 3-27-2009 11:30 pm [add a comment]

"The film has sold in excess of 100,000 copies and Offer has used the proceeds from sales to file a lawsuit against the Church of Scientology."

I retain my vaguely positive feelings, although, yes, the movie sounds pretty fucking bad.
- jim 3-28-2009 12:47 am [add a comment]

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