leslie howard night on tcm. saw petrified forest recently (8pm). great cast bogart and bette davis. then intermezzo with ingrid bergman and finally pygmalion. going with pygmalion if i can hack it. still felled by oh hell debacle and liver failure.

- dave 4-08-2009 12:43 am

You just need a bacon sandwich. Is there anything pork can't do?
- jim 4-08-2009 1:10 am [add a comment]

i thought you were making a pygmalion pun. the burger i had certainly didnt do the trick.
- dave 4-08-2009 1:33 am [add a comment]

not nearly as compelling nor as overblown as my fair lady. nor anywhere near as long blessedly. about 80minutes shorter, of course no songs will do that.
- dave 4-08-2009 7:14 pm [add a comment]

I just think the sentiment of MFL is at odds with its Shavian source; prefer the Pyg, Wendy Hiller is h-hot.
- alex 4-09-2009 12:27 am [add a comment]

shavian, eh? never read pyggie myself but robert osborne said that shaw was against a third adaptation (the leslie howard version) because he was unhappy with the prior two. but then they offered to let him write the screenplay which intrigued him and so thats the movie they made. thought hiller was well suited for the role but no great beauty. hepburn did have technicolor working in her favor. thought howard was underwhelming but then i may be biased by the bombast of mfl.
- dave 4-09-2009 1:22 am [add a comment]

funny, the next movie she starred in was major barbara with rex harrison.
- dave 4-09-2009 1:32 am [add a comment]

- dave 4-09-2009 1:37 am [add a comment]

- dave 4-09-2009 1:42 am [add a comment]

i particularly enjoyed hiller in this scene. certainly could see how playing the role on the stage for a number of years that she inhabited the character whereas hepburn was playing a role. actually later harrison had been acting in the musical with julie andrews on stage but she hadnt made a name for herself in films yet so they preferred hepburns starpower but not her singing voice as it was dubbed.
- dave 4-09-2009 1:53 am [add a comment]

rain, spain, plain...

- bill 4-09-2009 2:34 pm [add a comment]

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