new season of curb your enthusiasm starts tonight along with intriguing series premiere of bored to death starring jason schwarztman. also read somewhere that tonights madmen is best of season. emmys on cbs and giants v cowboys at inaugural game at new dallas stadium.

- dave 9-20-2009 11:04 pm

nice to see curbed back. not the strongest episode but set the table nicely for future contretemps. bored to death was a mixed bag. all the elements were there but it seemed forced. its self consciously soft-boiled noir but id say its a bit runny at this point. madmen didnt fail to be multi-layered and entertaining. and while failing to get emmys for its actors, it did win for its writing as well as for best drama. also dallas' new stadium was the highlight of the game, particularly the gargantuan garish tv screen (7 stories high), that and the "cage dancers" up in the rafters. i guess cheerleaders alone are too wholesome for texans these days.

*have to say i watched part of the texas v texas tech game on saturday and a thoughtless texas wide receiver carried his post touchdown celebratory jaunt into an enclosure housing the outwardly docile longhorn mascot along with his six beefy handlers. the steer suddenly became animated and i cant say i wasnt rooting for the animal and his horns'a'plenty to express some notion of territoriality or annoyance at this unnecessary intrusion. the state rallying cry is "dont mess w/texas" after all and boundaries need to be respected. just ask santa anna.
- dave 9-21-2009 8:58 pm [add a comment]

obsessive fan base not just for sports anymore. actually one of the great things about madmen/lost type shows are the post mortems. and for a show about advertising where the line between plot points and product placement is blurred, and one that prides itself on verisimilitude to the era its portraying, i love when someone calls them out for messing up. regarding this particular misstep, a dr. pepper machine plays prominently in one scene.

Dr. Pepper was not available in New York until May 18, 1970. They had a whole radio campaign announcing that "Dr. Pepper is Coming to New York, May 18th".

The one exception was the Texas pavilion of the 64-65 Mew York World's Fair, where I first tasted it. But otherwise it was nowhere to be found in this area. I searched all over for it. Driving to Florida you would start to see it around North Carolina. But since at least the 1940's, it was not available, through vending machines or otherwise, until 5/18/70.

MM is usually very successful in being faithful to the details of era. And it was probably available in LA in 1963. But not in New York for another 7 years. I'm pretty sure that they missed on this one.

- dave 9-21-2009 9:28 pm [add a comment]

- dave 9-22-2009 4:51 am [add a comment]

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