giving the bbcamerica show the hour a solid a- after watching the first two episodes. nice to see romola garai released from british period piece purgatory to act in something contemporary as long as your version of contemporary stretches back to the 1950s. for a very unoriginal tagline think madmen meets broadcast news with some thrillerish menace to boot. unfortunately as with all blasted brit shows this one only has a six episode season. what the fuck to do the rest of the year?

- dave 9-05-2011 7:31 pm

could have possibly benefited from a few more episodes to let the spawning of a first generation newsprogram, the espionage at the center of the plot and the melodrama breathe a little more but generally satisfying. reminded me at times of the amc shows, rubicon and the killing, both of which became mired in their atmospherics and angst, without delivering on the intrigue.

the hour has been picked up for another season.
- dave 9-07-2011 5:59 pm [add a comment]

Go to your fave torrent tracker and check out the Australian "Underbelly" series, 4 seasons of true crime. Loved it.

(I liked the Hour too)
- L.M. 9-07-2011 6:09 pm [add a comment]

thanks, ill check it out. did you watch misfits? ive almost seen it mentioned enough that i should give it a chance but that still shot of them all in red costumes turns me off every time.
- dave 9-07-2011 6:21 pm [add a comment]

this is pulled from a comment thread but i wouldnt be surprised.

Is anyone else getting annoyed at BBC America speeding up the film during action/walking scenes? (I’m assuming it’s their editing to accommodate ads and still keeping the epi at under an hour) …They do this for Doctor Who as well. Wish they would stop this practice; it pulls me out every time. I would prefer watching the original edit with ads even if it goes over an hour

- dave 9-07-2011 6:39 pm [add a comment]

Anyone following doc Martin?
- bill 9-07-2011 6:47 pm [add a comment]

nope. ill give it a look. i see its on hulu. its not starring tony shaloub, i hope?
- dave 9-07-2011 6:55 pm [add a comment]

Haven't seen misfits, sci fi doesn't sell well to me. Might check it out when I'm bored next summer.
- L.M. 9-07-2011 9:06 pm [add a comment]

I was enjoying The Hour but think they're a bit lazy in the accuracy department for a period piece, and it pulled me out. It was small stuff - a prop space suit of Shuttle-era design, using contemporary slang - Maybe it's supposed to be a mash-up of periods or maybe I'm wrong and the research is spot on but I couldn't get past episode 3.
- steve 1-03-2012 7:52 pm [add a comment]

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