HBO documentary on Central Park bird watching airs tomorrow. Includes author Jonathan Franzen. I don’t have HBO, so let me know how it turns out…
- alex 7-15-2012 4:54 pm

its for the birds.

- dave 7-15-2012 4:59 pm [add a comment]

maybe if you promise to do the dishes jim will dvr it for you at 5pm on thursday tho that maybe be a burden that neither of you can bear.
- dave 7-18-2012 5:50 pm [add a comment]

Thanks to Jim’s DVR I got to see this; it really does a good job of communicating the attraction of urban birding. Very straightforward documentary style; never gets too precious. Doesn’t go much into the park folks personal interactions, or birding as a competitive sport (as depicted in last year’s Big Year movie) but has several birders intelligently explaining why they like the activity, and provides lots of good footage that accurately represents what it’s like to see the birds in this setting. Franzen and Starr Saphir are particularly articulate; Starr was diagnosed with terminal cancer during the filming but neither she nor the film get maudlin about it. All in all a fine introduction to the subject.
- alex 7-20-2012 12:32 pm [add a comment]

Is Franzen the most annoying birder in the world? Birdchick says no.
- alex 7-23-2012 12:32 pm [add a comment]

Starr died today.
- alex 2-06-2013 2:23 am [add a comment]

- bill 2-06-2013 12:13 pm [add a comment]

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