Since when is the Bear a comedy? 

- bill 1-16-2024 9:48 am

still havent watched it. its probably in that interzone between drama and comedy but it is 30 minutes which generally leans comedy. also probably doesnt want to compete with the hour long dramas. im not sure if you are placed in a category or if you choose which category you want to compete in to maximize the chance of winning.

- dave 1-16-2024 10:17 am [add a comment]

There are dark comedies, but they should achieve certain YPM ( yuks per minute) to fit the genre. As much as I like the show it has low YPM.
- bill 1-16-2024 10:24 am [add a comment]

this calls it a 30 min drama.

- dave 1-16-2024 10:26 am [add a comment]

  • Not that I begrudge them a comedy award.  Just stood out as a tad incorrect. I think of it as greater  Covid era (without masks) and making up its own rules. They mentioned reality based which is a good point, two seasons in and they really haven’t got past the friends and family soft opening. 

    - bill 1-16-2024 11:31 am [add a comment]

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