i thought it was because steve hates to see him go but loves to watch him leave. my greatest acting took place for a risd student film class exercise in cross cutting where i was just running around providence, up hills, stairs, etc. and in one moment i improvised a stumble only to catch myself before falling but soldiering on. oscar worthy. i think i ended up with a pie in the face at the end of my journey which was the  other action it was being cross edited with.



- dave 8-17-2022 8:58 am

does seem to be we are in a twilight of the movie star moment. not sure that is the thesis of the doc. while stars still help sell movies, the intellectual property is the driving force for the majority of blockbusters. interesting though that new movies, often middling genre flicks, that do well on streaming services usually have a star attached. so if the price point is lowered and the movie is a click away then star power can still have a considerable impact.

- dave 8-17-2022 9:29 am [add a comment]

Actors studio feeding talented actors to the stage and great playwrights was part of the successful equation making movie stars

- bill 8-17-2022 9:40 am [add a comment]

  • that sounds like what and actor or a playwright might say. studio system did pretty well creating stars their way when they were the only game in town. you could say the quality of acting and storytelling improved but making movie stars im not entirely convinced.

    - dave 8-17-2022 9:51 am [add a comment]

  • True,but…
    - bill 8-17-2022 10:02 am [add a comment]

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