yeah, I can watch that twice,

- bill 8-17-2022 9:37 am

pretty sure jim saw them once at the garden but a few years later. can still remember listening to this album at his apt in providence on his massive polk speakers in a relatively small living room. wasnt a hip hop fan and still thought of them as one hit jokesters from fight for your right to party which got overplayed at every party my freshman year of college. and look at me now! still not a hip hop fan but not quite the hater either.

- dave 8-17-2022 9:45 am [add a comment]

Cookie puss was big too. I remembering them walking up 3rd Avenue with their cardboard display. When it was retired at Tower Broadway. We have other connections via Jerry Williams. Wish I had seen them at A7
- bill 8-17-2022 10:02 am [add a comment]

maybe cooky puss was big on the lower east side but i doubt much further.

- dave 8-17-2022 10:04 am [add a comment]

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