Lenny and Squiggy made it worthwhile enough.
- bill 1-31-2023 7:48 am

how do you think this makes the big ragu feel? if youre gonna make praise make enough for everyone. like a bigga potta sauca italiano!!! they didnt call it gravy back then. scorsese invented that. italians always snigger when someone says gravy thinking they are so down with the italian way. well, joke is on us. gravy is just gravy!!! like dog food. 

- dave 1-31-2023 8:10 am [add a comment]

It’s a regional term. Like wedge for a hero.
- bill 1-31-2023 10:59 am [add a comment]

  • we would constantly rumble with kids on the tappan zee bridge (which was neutral territory) over hero vs wedge until some kid died, ironically from choking on a peanut butter sandwich, which is why to this day there are psas on 9W about cutting off the crusts on pb&js.

    - dave 1-31-2023 11:27 am [add a comment]

  • Smooth or crunchy?
    - bill 1-31-2023 11:35 am [add a comment]

    • road is pretty smooth. cant say the same for the palisade pkwy. choppy as fuck.

      - dave 1-31-2023 11:41 am [add a comment]

    • What would Mario Cuomo say?
      - bill 1-31-2023 11:58 am [add a comment]

    • ayeeee, i no-wa say passa da gravel, i sa-ya passa da gravee!
      - dave 1-31-2023 12:04 pm [add a comment]

And for me Ragu is a brand name. 


- bill 1-31-2023 11:06 am [add a comment]

  • thats an ad for calgon. are you ok?

    - dave 1-31-2023 11:21 am [add a comment]

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