Just started season one. Kind of vile. 

- bill 5-16-2023 2:29 pm

im going to suggest its not to everyones taste but that is far from the consensus opinion. it is a dark, absurdist comedy to be sure.

- dave 5-16-2023 2:38 pm [add a comment]

S1, E3 and they’ve already killed a pet bear and the dog and the A-hole survived a poisoning. I’ll keep with it, but kripes on a cruch. 

- bill 5-16-2023 5:21 pm [add a comment]

  • its not required viewing. find something more to your taste. did you try poker face?

    - dave 5-16-2023 5:25 pm [add a comment]

I’ll check it. I want more gemstones. 

- bill 5-16-2023 5:35 pm [add a comment]

  • i assume you watched eastbound and down then. what about justified?

    - dave 5-16-2023 6:06 pm [add a comment]

  • btw i just read there were three murders in season 1 of the righteous gemstones. i guess you only have sympathy for defenseless animals.

    - dave 5-16-2023 7:34 pm [add a comment]

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