woke up at 4 am thinking i was giving this more credit than it deserved.

- dave 3-25-2024 7:01 am

The end of episode four plunged the show into a nose dive for me but I'm giving episode five a go

- steve 3-26-2024 5:27 am [add a comment]

  • spoilers ahead....

    there are many plot holes to poke at but just the idea that this advanced civilization with crazy advanced computing power would not have absorbed every written thing like an AI and not understood that the stories he has been reading them for decades were essentially lies (now where have i heard that before?) and they had this come to jesus moment that we as a species cant be trusted to co-exist with is a hard pill to swallow. they also have been observing us inside the game and out and this is the first time they had this realization? seems incomprehensible.



    - dave 3-26-2024 7:54 am [add a comment]

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