I agree that many shows start off better then they end. After some time, I tend to forget most that seem pretty good all the way through.  I'm not a really a fan of 3 body problem but I prefer it to Constellation which I finished about a week ago but couldn't remember without watching the trailer.

- steve 3-27-2024 9:25 pm

shogun has been the best of the recent releases.

one of my tv podcasters just did a short mini-series of podcasts called did it stick the landing about whether a show ended well or not. i actually didnt listen but liked the concept. wasnt about recent shows tho.

i like noomi rapace and i thought the daughter was good. turns out they were identical twins so i wonder if they each played one iteration of the daughter.

- dave 3-27-2024 11:36 pm [add a comment]

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