A gift that requires one to root against the home team may have karmic repercussions.
I went to the 7th game of the World Series in 1986. I saw about 50 games that year, Mets and Yankees, mostly on scalped tickets, but it was only after the mind-bending 6th game that I figured I had to do the post-season. I mean, how could they loose? Even so, the Mets had to come from behind; it was a great game, though overshadowed in memory by one before it. For $100 I got a good seat, high up but behind the plate. And yeah, if your team wins and everyone’s getting carried away the trip home can be fun, at least that’s how I remember it, unless that’s just what my father told me about seeing the ’35 Tigers win it all. Or maybe he said they were rioting at Michigan and Trumble…
Now I’m just worried about the hot Tigers cooling off while the NL finds out who can lose 4 first.

- alex 10-17-2006 3:18 am

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