I was following the series commentary on Slate and a few quotes had me laughing out loud:

from Jack Shafer:
I've been bitching all season about all of the improbable and impossible nonmagical things that have happened, but the closing scene of tonight's episode, "The End," completely defies logic. How did the people who are in the chapel qualify for inclusion? Not because they were on the plane—Penny wasn't on the plane, nor was Desmond, and they're reunited in the chapel. If Penny and Desmond are reunited, why aren't Daniel and Charlotte? Is the deal that if you're in love and somehow connected to the plane, then you get to take the trip out the Big White Door? But what about John Locke? He's in the chapel of the dead and he has no love unit with him. If Locke, why not Vincent? If there is no logic behind the reunion, why the hell not reunite Sayid with Nadia? Ben with Rousseau. Alex with Karl. Lennon with McCartney.
and Chadwick Matlin:
Where are Michael, Walt, and Eko in this collective purgatory? Does their absence mean that they don't cherish their island-mates the way the rest of the characters do? Or that the producers hate black people? Discuss.

- L.M. 5-25-2010 4:37 am

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