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theres only one thing wrong with rob corddrys ridiculously funny hospital drama parody childrens hospital, each episode is only 15 minutes. catch it on cartoon networks sundays at 1030.

- dave 7-26-2010 7:36 pm [link] [4 comments]

amc has a new drama premiering next week called rubicon that has some promise if you are a fan of cryptography and crypto-goverment conspiracies. rubicons premiere is available for streaming and runs on sundays at 9 prior to madmen.

- dave 7-26-2010 7:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

giving fringe the belated thumbs up. very x-files with a mix of bio-tech monster of the week and a meta-story with a longer arc that instead of a search for aliens is more about pushing the boundaries of scientific possibility. oh, and its created by jj abrams and written/produced by the duo that penned the latest star trek movie. third season starts in september. so catch up!


- dave 7-26-2010 7:12 pm [link] [2 comments]

daily shows john olivers podcast, the bugle.

- dave 7-26-2010 6:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

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