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possibly useful if you were some sort of obsessive tv freak. (twitches unconsciously.) behold, meevee.

- dave 9-18-2005 2:43 am [link] [add a comment]

history channel might be interesting tonight. 8pm show about lake pontchartrain causeway, then a show about katrina, followed by a show about category five hurricanes. and i happened also to notice the premiere of the original Gone In Sixty Seconds on speed tv. that will be my first visit to that channel.

- dave 9-18-2005 2:36 am [link] [7 comments]

cowsills on playboy afterdark

from here

via zoller
- bill 9-17-2005 4:00 pm [link] [add a comment]

greatfull dead movie on pbs ch njn right now

pledgeweek warning / 3 intermissions - good anyway
- bill 9-17-2005 4:38 am [link] [3 comments]

"i like to watch."

- dave 9-17-2005 3:27 am [link] [add a comment]

sundays in september - tcm - michael powell

- dave 9-17-2005 1:21 am [link] [add a comment]

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