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Binge watched and very much enjoyed season 1 of Transparent An amazon original, the pilot is free and if you sign up for the free one month trial of their prime service, so are the other episodes.

- steve 12-12-2014 3:07 pm [link] [1 comment]

ultimate restorations

- bill 12-02-2014 1:36 pm [link] [add a comment]

huge selection of one hour garden shows. Some on historic regional gardens, some on useful kitchen gardens. Hosted by BBC presenter Monty Don on you tube.

cut the cable cord!
- bill 11-14-2014 12:45 pm [link] [add a comment]

Hi BOB (dylan)

- bill 11-10-2014 2:34 pm [
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Now that they’re Disney owned, this ABC special may mostly amount to promos for the movies, nevertheless: Marvel Comics 75th Anniversary tonight at 9:00 EST.

‘nuff said.

- alex 11-04-2014 12:21 pm [link] [add a comment]

notes on the death of the network sitcom.

- dave 10-29-2014 5:43 pm [link] [add a comment]

was somewhat skeptical prior to watching outlander, a fantasy romance period drama set in 18th century scotland. but i was pleasantly surprised. the conceit is that a woman from post ww2 england gets cast back in time via a pagan henge-like portal and must navigate her way through an alien society and all the pitfalls it presents while trying to make her way back to her future existence. could be pretty hokey especially if they lard on the romance but they manage to keep that mostly on the back burner. its no game of thrones but agreeable enough to binge through in a couple of days. and while there are only eight episodes at present, there are eight more in the spring and another thirteen already on order after that. oh, its on starz for starters.

- dave 10-26-2014 5:14 pm [link] [add a comment]

there isnt a new sitcom this fall that has made any impact but i finally got around to the fx show youre the worst that aired this summer and i am giving it my trademarked two thumbs up. dont believe me? then listen to what this professional tv watching person has to say and then just ignore us both.

- dave 10-20-2014 5:23 am [link] [add a comment]

enjoyed the Nance on PBS.

- bill 10-12-2014 1:41 am [link] [add a comment]

might go in for this one tonight on espn at 9 -- playing for the mob -- a 30 for 30 documentary about a point shaving scandal at boston college in the 80s. apparently the ray liotta character from goodfellas was involved and liotta does the narration.

- dave 10-07-2014 11:03 pm [link] [add a comment]

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