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I can't see any difference between mozilla 1.0 RC1 and RC2. Maybe it's mail or news changes. For browsing both are rock solid (although I've found most everything is rock solid on OSX,) fast, and thoughtfully designed (tabbed browsing, cookie support, and full javascript controls come immediately to mind.) Apparently RC2 should run on MacOS 8.5 and 8.6 although I've yet to confirm this. You can get RC2 here.
- jim 5-14-2002 6:21 pm [link] [3 comments]

Our friends from Montana have safely departed. What a week. It took me all of Sunday and Monday just to recover. Although we didn't specifically plan it this way, after not seeing them for 4 years we will now be seeing them again in 6 weeks when we head out west. That made saying goodbye not so hard.

Ren is one amazing kid. He seemed to take to the city as if it was perfectly natural to have so many millions of people packed into a couple of square miles. Best quote from bed at the end of a very long day and night: "I hear the beautiful music of all the people who don't want the lights to go out." Indeed. I have a feeling we'll see him again in NYC.
- jim 5-14-2002 6:09 pm [link] [1 comment]

Apple is expected to introduce new rack mountable servers today at 9:00 am pacific time. Possibly another product as well. We'll be watching.
- jim 5-14-2002 6:00 pm [link] [1 comment]

Dual screen laptop (via /.)
- jim 5-08-2002 7:09 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

There is no spoon notes that David Watson

[has come] to the rescue for Radio users who would like to add "autolinking" or automatic "backlinking" to their blogs. He's created a little webservice called "getReferers" that automatically generates a list of links to the sites who are linking to you. It then helpfully puts that list at the end of your page. Allowing your readers to see who is linking to you helps to put your comments in context
He (she?) also mentions what's different about my implementation: "By the way, I think the way JimsLog handles this referer feature is the best I've seen because it indicates referers by post." Thanks. I don't know enough about how radio works, but if you can script with it on the level of apache environmental variables then it's pretty easy to have your backlink system only activate on requests for specific posts, rather than general links to your page (for me, in my system, this just means watching for a numeric query string - like ?4454 on the end of the REQUEST_URI - which will always be a link to a specific post.) I'd love it if radio got this feature.
- jim 5-08-2002 7:02 pm [link] [2 refs] [3 comments]

A couple of lingering problems. I was sure I had the back link thing filtering out links back from the same page (I don't want it recording back links originating on my own page.) But this doesn't seem to be the case now. I'll get that sorted this week.

My friends from Montana arrive today. I'm very excited. The timing of everything is working out so well. I've been very busy finishing things, and now they arrive just as I am ready to pick my head up, switch gears, and take a long look around. I think Frank was here once before when I did that. In fact, I think that's what started me back into computers in the summer of '99. I wonder what's next.

David McCusker did mention me today, and now it seems that my last name is out. I guess I sort of like that. I wish I could be more revealing about my home life like he is. It's very interesting to read. If it was a book I would be staying up late to see what happens with Lisa and the Taekwondo studio. As this isn't the case MB and I stayed up late finishing Return of the King. This was her first time through. It's great to read out loud.
- jim 5-07-2002 7:05 pm [link] [1 comment]

Finally put the new back end on the other site. Now, if I'm correct, I'm not going to build this project again (this is the third full revision.) I'm going to take a little break from scripting. And then I'm going to try a different project. I don't know what it is yet.

I'll still be here though.
- jim 5-07-2002 1:17 am [link] [add a comment]

David McCusker is taking note of back links as well (although not mine.) I hope this keeps getting talked about. I want more people to integrate this into their blogging software. Come on, it's not hard. Expose your referers! Now that we pretty much have ease of use in terms of publishing, this is the single largest enabler of the grand conversation.
- jim 5-06-2002 7:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

I won't pretend I didn't have some hand in him noticing, but David Weinberger wrote a nice summary of my reference logging feature (which I should probably just call 'back links' since thats what other people working on similar things seem to be calling it.) Anyway, I am a huge fan of his so this makes me quite happy. Thanks.

Go buy his new book. That will probably make him happy.
- jim 5-06-2002 7:20 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

We're buying our tickets to Montana right now. Yahoo!
- jim 5-06-2002 12:22 am [link] [6 comments]

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