Kids, Babes, Trucks, Pizza
I seem to have a slight kink in my back from slinging my two-year-old nephew around like a sack of potatoes. Lucky for me a friend offered a possible solution in the form of a short-acting, alpha2-adrenergic receptor agonist.

I've been remiss in the visiting of my Austin brother, wife, and four kids. The kids age three months to seven years and are a lot of fun and more polite and reasonably well-behaved than I would have expected, being as how I tend to start off thinking about most things from a "expect the worst" perspective.

I was out with sister-in-law shopping at one of those popular chain stores with obnoxious theme songs and she let me buy each of the kids a piece of clothing (since I've been kind of a slouch buying them anything in the past.) I got the five-year-old girl this cute little dress and she tried it on immediately after we got home. When her mother asked her how she liked it she said, with no irony whatsoever, "oh, I love it, I can't take my eyes off of it." This despite the fact that she was concentrating on her Play-Do factory and/or giant "make me up" Barbee head at the time (the giant Barbee head is testament to how great a father my brother is as he has nurtured a life long fear of certain realistic dolls, mannequins, ventriloquist dummies, etc.)

So, not only did I survive two days at my brother's small house inhabited by four small children, but I relished it.

Back at Jose's last night I had pretty much not done anything towards my effort to have Jose help me find a new used truck so I was telling my friend R. Blond Bomber, who was returning my call, that I would probably have to at least put new tires on my beat little Toyota before driving it back to New Orleans. When I got off the phone Jose said let's go look at a truck, and let me tell you, you have never seen a master at work until you have seen Jose practice the art of the deal. This evening we are meeting the guy and buying a really clean, slightly dented 94 Mazda B4000 extended cab pickup with 66k miles and only one owner, for $2,400.

The Mexican food here in Austin, Tx., predictably, is great, certain aspects of the local scenery, even better, and tonite I get to eat at a pizza place I often long for, Conan's, at 29th and Guadalupe.

I should come here more often.
- jimlouis 5-22-2003 6:37 pm

Can you Fed-Ex me a large Barbarian?
- mark 5-22-2003 8:37 pm [add a comment]

I will ask them this evening.
- jimlouis 5-22-2003 8:47 pm [add a comment]

Does the truck "zoom, zoom" as the ads promise?
- mark 5-24-2003 7:08 am [add a comment]

The Conan's kid said ha ha, no. I haven't seen such ads but the truck, w/ V6 really does zoom pretty well. I wish it ran on water instead of oil but... I'm getting ready to give it it's first real road trip. The previous owners, father and son, were like the proverbial "to church (or Round Rock) and back" type of drivers.
- jimlouis 5-24-2003 6:56 pm [add a comment]

Austin to New Orleans, 8.5 hours, not bad, truck is sweet.
- jimlouis 5-25-2003 7:03 am [add a comment]

How many to NYC?
- jim 5-25-2003 6:51 pm [add a comment]

I'm not sure, maybe 20 if in a big hurry. The truck will eventually see NYC, but my June 4--8 visit will be plane, train, cab, subway.
- jimlouis 5-25-2003 8:33 pm [add a comment]

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