Happy Birthday Mr. BC
Me and Mr. BC we built small gunpowder bombs together, flew kites, rode bikes, tossed footballs, baseballs, basketballs, tennis balls, and wiffle balls at each other. Did Yoyos, tops, and water guns every year. He threw a dart at me once. I still owe him for that one. I went to church, he didn't, and I used it against him in loosely ruled scrabble games by telling him my questionable words were from the bible.

He can draw, play music, and make tons of money and I can't.

I have ingested things he has never heard of.

He has seen things I haven't and me I've seen the same thing.

Tossing a pebble, he once knocked a BB gun out of a kid's hand.

He broke my plane on a string, he still owes me for that.

There was a song from our youth that was about a hippie trying to fit into the establishment by putting his hair up under his hat to apply for jobs and a line in the song started "Imagine that..." and when one of us began that the other would finish the line which was-- "me working for you."

At one point he began buying Mercedes Benzes. For awhile he had a twenty-year-old Cadillac with an eight-track player and a new Benz sedan with CD player, not one of the starter models. This was like 15 years ago now and I was staying with him for a few months in another big house he had up on another hill. The thing is I could never remember to put the Benz in Park. But the long driveway was pretty level at the top so the car stayed in place until I got to the front door and for whatever reason I turned around to look at the car I don't know but as soon as I looked at it it started to move. I chased it for a few feet, heroically flung open the door and jumped inside to jam the brake pedal, two feet from head on to a tree. He sicced some Jehovah's Witnesses on me not long after that, so I guess we're even on that one.

He knows what "you did it purposely" means.

He was on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, November 1963.

He's got a great wife and three great kids, he can thumb type on a blackberry, he's come a long way, from the Badger Days, let's give him a big hand and a--Happy Birthday Mr. BC.
- jimlouis 10-01-2003 5:37 pm

- Skinny 10-01-2003 6:09 pm [add a comment]

big ups to you and yours today mon

- bill 10-01-2003 6:09 pm [add a comment]

I would like to hang out with Mr. BC sometime.
- steve 10-01-2003 9:58 pm [add a comment]

Sure Steve, come out.
- jimlouis 10-02-2003 1:47 am [add a comment]

Mr. BC had framed pictures of dogs playing cards and listened to Zappa on reel to reel. Happy birthday.
- johnsch 10-02-2003 7:18 pm [add a comment]

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