Batteries Included
Midway up Hawksbill Mountain yesterday and I come upon some more deer on the path. I walk real slow and the deer don't move, like they training for the petting zoo. I came close enough to one of the two females to touch, pet even, had I been so inclined, but I just kept heading on up.

Descending later on a piece of the Appalachian trail and I pause to tie my shoe, my shoe propped up on one of the many granite boulders lining the path. The boulder was splotched with circular lichen patches white and green. Upon closer inspection there appeared to be some human finger markings on the face of the boulder and so I began to inspect the big rock in earnest. I tapped on it and it sounded hollow. I took a chance and punched my fist into it and it was then I realized the boulder was paper mache' and chicken wire, with a realistic paint job. So it's all a big fake. 300 million years old, my ass. I bet those deer are fake too. I'm going back today though, see if I can disconnect the batteries on that little family from Maryland I keep running into.

I don't want to forget where I come from and where I'm going so I also report that throughout the day yesterday, in New Orleans, while I hiked in the Shenandoah Mountains, and then back here visited with someone else's family, and later watched baseball and drank beer at that Sperryville restaurant with the nice urinals, eight people were wounded by gunfire in several different shootings around the city, and aother sixteen-year-old boy died because someone put a bullet in his head.
- jimlouis 10-19-2003 4:32 pm

you teach scarlett how to make a proper enchilada while you were watching the game?
- dave 10-19-2003 7:06 pm [add a comment]

The opportunity did not arise. And then the band members (at least this time the bartender left the game on while the band played) got into a little shouting match and everyone went home, or wherever it is people go after a disappointing meal with a prima donna side show. One jowly man actually barked--this is the worst meal I've ever had, first to his waitress, then to the owner. The owner, poor guy, he comped the table of four and walked around looking stricken for about an hour. It's not a bad place to watch a game but I had a burger this time and it was just ok, fries were cold. I wonder--Is it inappropriate to bring your own food to a restaurant?
- jimlouis 10-19-2003 10:44 pm [add a comment]

last callll for al-key-holll... you dont have to go home but you cant stay here !

- bill 10-19-2003 11:03 pm [add a comment]

i had a deer petting situation on fire island one november, i was massaging it and it was rolling eyes and sticking toungue out.....
- Skinny 10-20-2003 3:54 pm [add a comment]

And your wife, she's ok with that?
- jimlouis 10-20-2003 3:57 pm [add a comment]

long as he doesn't bring home lime disease, i dont' ask.
- linda 10-20-2003 9:15 pm [add a comment]

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