New Orleans
I've been thinking about that Louis Armstrong song--Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?--and when I first heard it a couple of years ago I wondered if I would ever "get" the song and I guess now I do. Still, that Louis didn't hang around either.

Shooting death on Banks St. yesterday, between the Rocheblave house and the local Taco Bell. Eighteen-year-old victim.
- jimlouis 10-24-2003 12:28 am

well, if you get homesick, remember you're close to dc, which was the murder capital of 2002.
- linda 10-24-2003 1:21 am [add a comment]

Since being here the one that won't leave for me is Armstrong's version of "Black and Blue." In light of Banks St. incident, maybe, but when did age become relevant to you in listening to, viewing daily goings on of N.O.? I ask on account of it's becoming oddly delineated for me in terms of a rudimentary classification system. . . Algiers 14-year-old, Algiers 16-year-old . . . a XULA student's 14-year-old drug dealing cousin whose recent shooting will eventually cause her to withdrawal from my class to help the family in a westbank project.
- RML (guest) 10-24-2003 1:23 am [add a comment]

I guess the more you get to know an age group the more it matters. And plus they're just kids, you know, killing each other. I can't not think about it. You already know this but I'll just remind you, New Orleans won't be easy but you're really going to like it. Sorry about your student.

Yeah Linda I've thougt about DC in that context, Baltimore too, like if I really missed the thrill that much I could volunteer my experienced self to some urban DC project one day a week but the thinking of it is all I've done so far. I guess I would just approach some literacy project, probably way boring compared to my New Orleans involvements but maybe more useful.
- jimlouis 10-24-2003 3:04 am [add a comment]

You may also be interested in yesterday's big announcement by Supt. Eddie Compass re: alterations to your NOLA crime district. You remember that PeeWee Herman voodoo doll incident that you reported as violent crime? Seems it was listed as miscellaneous complaint and never assigned to a detective. So that means instead of a 35% reduction in crime rate for your district, NOPD only managed 31.5% (the difference? that 3.5% includes quite a few shootings, carjackings, and armed robberies listed as "miscellaneous complaints.")
- RML (guest) 10-24-2003 6:44 pm [add a comment]

Yeah, the skewed numbers. I just operated with the two categories, palpable and non-palpable. Or, now I'm afraid, now I'm not.
- jimlouis 10-24-2003 7:30 pm [add a comment]

10-23-03 was the 20th anniversary of the LA Memorial. I didn't go out to the land, but happened to be in Sugar Land the day before at a funeral. Not very relevant to this particular posting of yours, but I was thinking about you and can't seem to remember your email address. In case I've never said it - thank you for everything 20 years ago.
- AA (guest) 10-25-2003 5:44 am [1 comment]

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