Wait For Me
To the person living under my house in New Orleans I have to warn you that we have called the police.

--I don't see any phone wires under here--

You can't stay there.

--Why not?--

First and foremost because you snore, mane.

--I can sleep on my side, if you had just told me earlier...--

No, I'm telling you now, go find a shelter.

--People f with you in them shelters, they steal your shit, and I got beat up last time.--

You probably got beat up because you pissed somebody off not doing what they ask you to do.

--Man was trying to handle me.--

And you're driving the neighbor's dogs crazy. So you snore and the dogs bark, it's no good.

--I could sleep on your couch?--


--People aren't nice to me.--

It is unnatural for some to be nice.

--I won't snore, please...--

Look man, I'll give you a ride to an uptown shelter, that's the best I'm going to do for you.

--You're not here to give me a ride.--

I will be there.



--Ok, I'll wait for you.--
- jimlouis 11-19-2003 3:44 pm

I keep thinking about this conversation and trying to relay it to various people I am talking to. It reminds me (for no good reason) of when my brother lived in a seedy dump in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and in the middle of the night a guy walked right into his place and stood by his bed. My brother woke up and the guy said, "You're not a girl." Then my brother yelled "FUCK OFF" in the most alpha voice he could muster and the guy went away.
- sally mckay 11-26-2003 7:50 am [add a comment]

Yeah, the good ole alpha personality comes in handy in the uh impoverished neighborhoods of the world. Or so we alpha impersonators like to believe. When I was gut renovating this house--not this country estate I am at now, but the New Orleans Rocheblave house under which things sometimes happen--I would be a little over tense at times, just due to the cumulative horror and hassle, and my associates would remind me that perhaps my F U meter was set too high. The meter really needs constant adjustment, but is a useful tool in certain circumstances, I think.
- jimlouis 11-26-2003 3:09 pm [add a comment]

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