The Irony Storm
I feel that something has happened to upset the irony balance on the planet and so we should all be careful with our meanings until such a time I deem it safe to carry on. Why I should be in charge of such an important task I cannot tell you but something has to be done. Everybody, please be careful. Also, everyday, you might want to try to find somebody who really likes you no matter what, and utter a few proclamations of what you deem to be simple, literal truth. See what happens. But again, I implore you--be careful. You may find that the people you thought really liked you only like you when you speak about the weather and other subjects that in no way challenge the potential balance of the meaning of meaning. Or it may turn out that your friend cannot understand you unless your speech is peppered with irony. This is not just about drunken, awol, frat boy, mama's boy world leaders in flight jackets but you can use that as an example if you have reached this far and are scratching your head--irony?

Leaving this phenomenon unchecked we run the risk that simple truth will be lost forever. Our vacuous and vapid popular culture will rule the day, as it now appears to be--let's hope temporarily--ruling the world.
- jimlouis 11-30-2003 4:12 pm

I can't imagine a better man for the job, jimlouis. keep us posted.
- sally mckay 11-30-2003 7:29 pm [add a comment]

If there is an irony imbalance, what then is the opposite of irony? Vapid truisms? Must I utter one vapid truism to balance each ironic statement, or may I count on the general public to take up the slack?
- mark 12-01-2003 6:42 am [add a comment]

once upon a time in a magazine I used to publish what seems like a hundred years ago we printed an "ironometer" by Nick Gamble. Jaded, disdainful and acerbic were in the middle. Witty, playful, teasing and wry were on the soft core end. Nihilistic, cynical, bitter and corrosive were on the hardcore end. Scattered about in between were sceptical, sardonic, biting and derisive.
- sally mckay 12-01-2003 7:11 am [add a comment]

What happened to the New Sincerity? (I forget what year that was.) Also, aren't we supposed to be post-ironic after 9/11?
- tom moody 12-01-2003 7:25 am [add a comment]

I guess I'm not talking about intentional irony but rather irony that has seeped into everyday life disguising itself as straightforward meaning. I can't give you all of my examples because that would be like airing my dirty laundry to the world, it would be like publishing my thoughts in an online diary
- jimlouis 12-01-2003 3:17 pm [add a comment]

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