Sleep Tight
One of the things I will miss when I am away from New Orleans is the fact that you can score drugs here 24 hours a day. By drugs I mean Guinness Stout. Are you wide-awake in the middle of your night? Can't find sleep's sweet oblivion, your guaranteed birthright? Don't use a needle? Question the prudence of popping too many pills? Think heroin, even snorting it, too mean a solution? Giving Herb a break?

Well, if you have a vehicle, armored or not, venture out into the New Orleans morning, noon, or night and find a 24 hour corner store. (If you don't have a car and need the fix then get to Bourbon St., if you can stand it.) If you have driven more than five blocks and haven't found a quickie mart then consult your map because you're probably not in New Orleans. The Stout may not exist on the shelf of every small store but if you ask for it, it will be there next time, no matter what the time. Here's to hoping there isn't a next time. Sleep tight sweet prince, sweet princess.
- jimlouis 1-24-2004 3:06 am

Shit Jim. No need to wait that long for the Guinness. Fire erupted at Xavier this morning in a pharmacy lab. Five blocks away and two hours later, classes cancelled, and I'm staring down three pints at Mick's on Bienville.
- rml (guest) 1-24-2004 8:24 am [add a comment]

Don't you have some research you could be doing?

By the way, how you liking it over there at terminal #1, I'm out of here, who this jock lingering by me? Peyton Manning Jr?
- jimlouis 1-26-2004 12:53 am [add a comment]

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