From my driveway after rolling down my window I did a screeching L of a backup and stopped by the opposite sidewalk where sitting on a four hundred-pound block of rough-cut granite was neighbor and agent of the street, C.

He had recently overcome a grass-cutting career ending clogged filter on the weedeater I had given him and it and the red plastic gas can that came with the deal were sitting on the ground next to him.

"I need to get rid of my couch and love seat and bed, can you move them, use them, or in anyway get them out of my house for me? And I mean without any effort on my part because if I have to expend energy to get rid of them I have numerous options that don't include you, or actually, may include you, but not in the fashion I am attempting to include you at this point in time."

He said, "Of course, let me think about it. She around the corner is offering me that upstairs, a room and board kind of thing in exchange for me doing some work for her…"


"Naw mane, just renovation work. So I maybe could use the bed but I don't wanna haul no couches up there. She say she has to run a water line up there and will run an extension cord so I can have electricity" (a thing the little shanty behind him hasn't had for over a year.)

"Hmm, could be ok," I said.

He seemed similarly enthusiastic. "When you want this?"

"Soon as possible, but maybe not the bed tonite."

"Okay, let me talk to Junkyard, he has a better clientele for selling larger items like that, maybe he can make it something worth the while for us."

About sundown they came and got the couches and stacked them across the street on the sidewalk, by the chunk of granite. This morning they were gone.
- jimlouis 4-24-2004 1:09 am

My friend emailed me in a panic yesterday and notified me that you were moving. One of us found your site several months ago and have been reading it. Here was someone who, dare I say, might live in a rougher neigborhood than myself and has a similar day by day attitude of how to deal with the craziness that is New Orleans.

We half heartedly tried to figure out where your house was and joked about stalking or hoping to run into you one day. Alas you are moving and how do you thank someone for anonymous written word?

We'd like to take you to dinner. We'll let you pick the place (w/in reason, we are bottom tier of the corporate ladder girls) and we hope to get one more good New Orleans meal in you before you leave this city.

- kelly (guest) 4-29-2004 8:35 pm [add a comment]

Thanks for reading me. A reasonable dinner sounds nice. I well email you when I get a little more nerve than I have this minute. Soon.
- jimlouis 4-29-2004 9:30 pm [add a comment]

Hi there. This is the 'panicked friend' writing to say I am quite happy that you have not yet moved and that we may get to meet up for dinner sometime before you have to take off. I have enjoyed your journal for these past few months.
I was surprised; I figured you would be long gone by now.
You are probably busy with the move and all, but once you have a little time (and nerve), we look forward to getting to meet you in person.
Now I just need to get my nerve worked up.

- Kerry (guest) 4-29-2004 10:56 pm [add a comment]

Kerry and Kelly? This is obviously Mark. I can tell his twisted sense of humor anywhere.
- jim 4-29-2004 11:06 pm [add a comment]

I can't really argue with your twisted summation of Mark but there is growing evidence that the 2Ks are real.
- jimlouis 5-03-2004 8:06 pm [add a comment]

it's a trap!
- admiral ackbar (guest) 5-03-2004 9:06 pm [add a comment]

Yeah well, as long as they don't throw me in the briar patch.
- jimlouis 5-04-2004 8:49 pm [add a comment]

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