Hem And Haw
I'm driving up into the Poconos in the morning, headed for Jim Thorpe, Pa., for lunch.

Then I'll come back to Bucks County, Pa. to paint some more on the outside of this 1812 renovated farmhouse.

It's coming along pretty well although there are a couple of height issues I haven't dealt with. I'm hoping a four inch roller with the frame bent to 45 degrees instead of 90, attached to an extension pole, operated from the top of a 28 foot ladder, will do the trick , for the litlle bit of wood at the two peaks.

My horoscope has me in the super human range of possibility for the next month, as a Taurus.

I should finish painting the house a week or ten days from now and then I'll go back to Rappahannock, Va., where I look after a property on the hem, or outskirt, of a quaint, picturesque, village.
- jimlouis 10-08-2004 5:56 am

Since Wednesday is the Freeway Free Speech Day, I'm going to go ahead and put all three of my banners up here in the bay area. I'll order another to be shipped directly to you.
- mark 10-11-2004 10:14 am [add a comment]

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