The Count
How are you going to intefere with my business today? she said.

Not at all today, I said. I rescheduled the doctor's appt. for 7:30 Friday. But today you will be glad to know there is nothing on the calendar.

Don't hold your breath, she said.

About what? I said.

I'm not going anywhere that early in the morning.

Yes you are.

Don't count on it.

I am counting on it.


Because for three grueling hours yesterday morning you fought me about going to the doctor and when you finally relented, and we did go, the nurses had to very politely, and apologetically, inform me that when they called earlier in the week to confirm the appt., you told them to cancel it. And they went to some trouble to find another spot. I gave them other local numbers to call. What happened yesterday is not going to happen again.

I guess my goose is cooked.


I don't remember doing that.

I believe that, I said.

Well, don't count on me going.

You know, you have asked us to not treat you like a child and I want you to know that I am not treating you like a child. Because if you were my child I would have grounded you a long time ago.

I know that, she said.

It's just a routine yearly checkup. The same thing you have done all your life.

I don't know that doctor.

You went to him last week.

I don't remember that.

You did, it was on Thursday, and we fought about that one for awhile too. But then another of your meddling sons came over and took you.

Then why I am I going to him again?

Because the checkup last week was to look into your recent memory loss and this other visit is for blood work. The same type of physical you have been doing for many years.

Who took me?

AJ took you.

Did I tell you about not remembering who he was that one time, I think that was at a doctor's office too.

Yes, I think you mentioned that (all hyperbole aside, perhaps sixty or seventy times in the two weeks I have been here).

I just don't see why I have to keep going to the doctor. You can't do anything about memory loss.

I know. But we wouldn't have to go again if you hadn't canceled yesterday's appt. We would have been done with doctor's visits for awhile.

Who canceled the appt., she said.

You did, I said.

I really don't remember that. But those darn people down there should have tried to fit me in. That really gets me boiling. We drove all the way there and then had to come right back.

Yes. It will go better on Friday.

Don't count on it, she said.
- jimlouis 1-18-2005 9:00 pm

you have such patience. i'm sure this is all very trying. how long have you been in texas, and is this all a recent develoipment with your mom?
- linda 1-19-2005 3:20 am [add a comment]

I've only been here for two weeks but it seems longer. And there have been more than a few occasions where I have lost my patience. This is harder in more ways than I can accurately explain. We've been noticing distinct changes over the last couple of years, have discussed the idea with her, met resistance and backed away. Our current resolve is, uh, steadfast, but the solution it appears will not be carried out easily. I am here for another week and probably will not see a definite resolution before I leave.
- jimlouis 1-19-2005 7:04 am [add a comment]

let my mom take you to the point for a burger and beer.
- bill 1-19-2005 10:35 am [add a comment]

I've thought about giving your mom a holler but I'm not at my usual high level of sociability, ha, high level of sociability, I really crack me up.
- jimlouis 1-19-2005 4:52 pm [1 comment]

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