"I think the president is really focused on the job at hand, and they are really starting to move," Nagin said. "On almost anything that I want to do now, I get a nearly instantaneous response."-- mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans.

May I suggest that you remove the dead bodies, now, Ray.
- jimlouis 9-13-2005 5:42 pm

I saw the picture of all the flooded school busses on the Daily Show last night. They sure could have used those at the Convention Center.

While Bush supporters (aka f*kheads) may point to the failures of Nagin as the primary, or even sole problem, I think the failure of the state and local authorities make Bush's failures that much more painful. If NO and LA authorities had their shit completely together and had handled this with grace, clarity and competence, it wouldn't have mattered that Bush a) was goobering around during the disaster and b) had hired political hacks to handle vital services. But shock of shocks, Louisiana politicians were ineffective. And Bush failed to step into the breech.
- mark 9-13-2005 8:35 pm [add a comment]

any firm #'s on the % of nopd going awol? sounds like the bus drivers split too? anything to the amtrak train refusal story?

- bill 9-13-2005 8:47 pm [add a comment]

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