Unflooded portions of New Orleans may be opened to residents, perhaps as early as Monday, Mayor Ray Nagin said in an upbeat and wide-ranging news conference Tuesday afternoon.

Ready, set...
- jimlouis 9-14-2005 3:09 pm

interactive floodmap
- dave 9-14-2005 3:55 pm [add a comment]

Estimated max water depth: 5.2ft.
Last update water depth: 1.2 ft.

- jimlouis 9-14-2005 6:13 pm [add a comment]

you gonna bring sheetrock down with you?
- bill 9-14-2005 6:21 pm [add a comment]

It would be a good idea but unrealistic for my truck. Sheetrock is going to be nearly impossible to get and sky high. And I assume the house is full of my renter's stuff. Lot of questions. I don't know how this is going to play out. If even allowed before I wouldn't go down till mid Oct., so maybe I can get some of the questions answered by then. The property manager is about as phone shy as I am, but then I don't know what he could tell me anyway. Sure he is out of city.
- jimlouis 9-14-2005 8:05 pm [add a comment]

Useful information.

"They didn't check anything," said David Bergeron, who made it to his Uptown ice cream shop, Creole Creamery, by taking River Road through Jefferson Parish to Prytania Street. "No questions, no nothing.
- jimlouis 9-15-2005 4:03 pm [add a comment]

The mayor has his family temporarily settled in Dallas, his daughter is enrolled locally. Just thought you should know he's sometimes here- when you're next in town, let's call him for lunch.
- mfitz 9-16-2005 1:34 am [add a comment]

Yeah, well, I got some things to call him before I call him--for lunch.
- jimlouis 9-16-2005 3:44 am [add a comment]

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