Sack O' Candy
When I was a puppy my mom and dad, both devout Christians who also believed in the Easter Bunny, would go to some effort to hide eggs in our yard, first in South Oak Cliff, and then North Dallas.

One Easter when I became older and the simple pleasure of finding candy on the ground in a controlled environment was soon to be no more, I spied my mother inside the fenced back courtyard with a paper sack full of cellophane wrapped hard sugary colored things and she was dipping her hand into this sack, grabbing handfulls and tossing them haphazardly across the fence into the neatly cut St. Augustine on the other side.

The next year somewhat elaborate place settings were set--for me and my two brothers who hadn't yet left for college--that included chocolate covered versions of that harmlessly pagan floppy eared Easter diety. Most decidedly not Bugs I remember thinking.

Thirty years later I can hear childish laughter happening now at this decent interval past sunrise.
- jimlouis 4-15-2001 2:32 pm

happy easter to you dear amigo
- Skinny 4-15-2001 5:51 pm [add a comment]

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