If we did Acme/Parasol's/7pm (music, we'll just wing it) parade we would probably need to be sitting at Acme at 4pm, or 3, then Parasol's is a short drive, down Magazine, then maybe I drop ya'll back in the Quarter around 6:30, park someplace that is good for me but maybe I wouldn't want ya'll walking through, and I could meet up with ya at a specified corner. Or, if the weather is like today, sunny and sixties, maybe we would prefer takeout from Dooky Chase's, which we could then eat in Armstrong Park, where we are only walking blocks from the parade. Both of these ideas I think would include a short driving tour of the area, some of the hoods. I don't know. Or maybe the best thing would be for you to call me when ya'll get in Thursday and we could have a (short) drinking strategy meeting at the still unfinished Rocheblave, mere minutes away from the French Quarter. And really, if you get in after 2 or 3pm you should let me pick you up at the airport, the 30 dollar cab ride is not that great a value.
- jimlouis 2-02-2003 7:09 pm

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