Right on. But the powers that be don't really want people educated; the people's ignorance is power's bliss. The notion that we as a culture care about children is one of our greatest hypocrisies. If we cared about them, we'd spend the money; we'd do the things you suggest. I've been hearing this stuff all my life; how important "the children" are. Bull! There's always something more important. We couldn't care less. I won't even mention the sexualizing, and the crap we feed them, but the latest wrinkle is using them to fuel the economy, like throwing wood on a fire. We give 'em credit cards in the cradle, breeding a better batch of consumers to keep things rolling, even as the "real" money disappears into a mountain of debt. Somewhere, Capitalism and the Protestant ethic have parted ways. They'll all be broke when they turn 21, but then they're adults, and who cares about them? Besides, they'll all have kids of their own by then to pass the bill to. And the beautiful cycle continues.
- alex 2-20-2003 6:05 pm

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