Yeh, pretty true. I was just experimenting with a brief wallow in optimism, or trying to kick start myself back into some sort of positive contribution to the local problem.
- jimlouis 2-21-2003 7:05 am

We're just pissed off. Sorry about that Jim, I wasn't meaning to be critical of or contradictory to your sentiments.
- steve 2-21-2003 8:09 am [add a comment]

I don't find your views all that contradictory but even if they were that would be totally cool with me. Somewhere inside the contradiction is a small piece of truth. So this means you don't support my plan for military intervention of our inner cities? And the rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air?
- jimlouis 2-21-2003 5:38 pm [add a comment]

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