Yeah, thanks Frank, its not one of the cats I mention here or Shorty pictured on the top left. And it happened two months ago, I just didn't feel like addressing it then. It was a 14 pound black cat I left on Dumaine with M. His name was Nipper, which is a perhaps too cute nomiker but reflects a time period fifteen years ago in Springfield, Oregon, when cuteness was in. He fit in my palm those first few weeks. Then, after rigorous training, he learned to lay sprawled flat on my head. I tell you, those were the days. Then Seattle, where we coaxed Neon out of the boarded up crack house next door and into our lives. She and Nipper never fully loved each other. Neither in Seattle nor briefly in Texas, or North Carolina, or on Dumaine in New Orleans. Neon fell victim to wild dogs under the Dumaine house several years ago. They ripped a large gaping hole in her throat. She lived for a couple of days after that. I suspect something similar happened to Nipper. I'll tell you the truth--I didn't look all that hard for his body. There are things having seen I'd rather not see again.
- jimlouis 4-18-2003 12:51 am

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